Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Condo VS Single Family Home

Choices. Choices. If it’s not one thing it’s another. So, let’s visit the age-old question - condo, or single family home? As with anything else, it depends. It depends on what you’re looking for, and willing to put up with in a dwelling. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each, and hopefully we can help you make up your mind.

First, let’s look at the condo life. Condos are popular, and getting even more popular. There’s a reason for that - they’re affordable. If this is your choice for a first home, you’re in good company. Per the National Association of Realtors, roughly 12% of home sales are condos, and growing. That said, let’s look at the good and the bad of owning a condo.

The Good:

·       The exterior of the building, the pool, the lawn and the landscaping are owned by the condo association. That means you don’t have to maintain it. This is great if you’re a busy person, or really dislike maintenance.

·      They are usually less expensive than a similar single family home. There’s a reason for that, you only own what’s within the walls.

·      Everyone knows your name. You guessed it; they all know what’s going on at your condo, because they’re close by. This is good, as they can keep an eye on things while you’re gone.

The Bad:

·      While they are affordable, it also means you’re probably not going to get as much out of it as you would a single family home when the time comes to sell it.

·      You will get hit with special assessment fees when the exterior areas need special work – think new roofs, siding or pool repair work, etc. These fees can be somewhat surprising.

·      The condo association gets to say what you can do to the property. Just because you like a certain kind of flowers doesn’t mean you get to plant them. If you don’t like rules, this can be quite trying.

·      Everyone knows your name. Yes, this can have a downside – if you’re a private person, or you have an unruly neighbor.

Now, let’s look at single family homes. Like condos, they have a good and bad side, according to what you’re expecting from owning one.

The Bad:

·      You own everything! And you’re responsible for all of the maintenance, so make it happen.
     Home owners associations, like condo boards, can be a pain. Try one little thing they don’t like, and they can get cranky.

·      It’s going to cost you more initially, and in the long run, to own everything about your home.

The Good:

·      You own everything! Which means there’s usually a lot more of everything. This can be very helpful when you’re in need of space. When you need extra storage, you can build a storage area on your property. Need extra rooms? Build them. That’s not going to happen with a condo.

·      You get to park your car where you want – it’s your property. No more worries about making sure you have your parking permit in the windshield, or making sure your guests have a permit. No more unexpected tows. Go crazy! Park in the yard!

·      Personalize it to your heart’s content. The outside of your home is a canvas waiting for you to make a personal statement. Go for it.

·      Think equity. More appreciation and value, because you own the house, the land, and everything on it.

·      No special assessments from a condo board. Yeah! 

     Hopefully this article gave you some needed info. With any luck we’ve managed to help you with your decision. When you want to look at either one, feel free to call us, or drop by our site. www.Shafferrealtyllc.com  800 436 2785

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Many Devices. One Way to Update.

There are two things we probably have way too many of – lists, and old smart devices. They just seem to multiply. Fortunately, one is the cure for the other.

There are apps out there that let you keep lists. There are devices with built in list apps. And there are paper lists. Most times you are simply editing yet another list, which duplicates some other list, and another one on another device, until you get sick of updating all those lists and give up on the whole thought of keeping fun or important lists. It doesn’t have to be this way.

While you will probably always have older, outdated devices around – assuming, like me, you hang on to them; you actually only need one good list program. List programs run the gamut. I happen to use a connected list program by Google called Keep. It allows me to post a note, or list, across my known electronic universe with one simple entry. There are other list and note programs that do just that, so don’t be afraid to try them. Whatever keeps you organized.

Here’s the great part. The more old devices you have lying around, the more likely you are to update lists or notes to yourself – and family members, too, if they’re using these devices. Because these devices can all access your wireless, they are still useful as a networked device when you set up an account for just that purpose. They don’t have to be connected to a phone plan to work on wireless.

I have an old tablet I now use in the kitchen almost exclusively. I look up recipes, add to my grocery list, and watch the occasional YouTube video whilst waiting for the coffee to finish.  There is also another tablet there for someone else, in case I’m hogging the other one when prepping dinner from a recipe site.

I have an old smart phone I use as a remote for all of the electronics in the living room. You guessed it, there’s an app for that. Additionally, if I think of something to add to the grocery list, I can add it from that “remote” because it’s a phone that connects to wireless. Which updates the Google Keep app on every device.

In the bedroom there’s an old touch screen TV, with a built-in chrome browser. Guess which apps I have installed? Yep. Google Keep and Google Documents. It also allows me to review and edit documents in Google documents. If I get a phone call concerning a document from work, I can pull it right up, make the changes and have it ready when I get to the office. All from old devices “littering” my otherwise spotless house.

The key takeaway here is that you only need to have one list/document app, but to make this thing called the cloud truly functional, you’re going to need multiple devices. Chances are good, you already have them. And I know you’ve got a list out there that needs updating. If not, here’s a few list suggestions:        

  • Fun things you would like to do with $1000.00
  • Gift ideas I’ve run across while shopping
  • Great finds on the internet to share
  • What can I accomplish while waiting on something else to finish
  • Books I need to read
  • Great ideas

Drop by and find a new home for all of your old devices: Shaffer Realty

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Upgrades For That Perfect Home

After searching for months, you just closed on that perfect home. And now that you’ve had a chance to move in and look around, something still seems amiss. We get that. So, we thought we’d help out with a few ideas on how to make that house a home.

Much like outdoor kitchens, the fire pit seems to have become one of the most sought after additions to homes, lately. And who can blame people for this? These range from the simple DIY models, to elaborate set ups with swings and theatres.  Before you build, just measure carefully. Sometimes the area you have available to create that perfect relaxation spot seems to appear larger when we’re planning and shopping. Click here for ideas:

As with anything in today’s world, we are nothing if not technology based. That said, how many times have you had to charge a tablet, phone or digital device, only to be stymied by the lack of a charger or transformer to fit your device? Well, if you have a USB cable, you’re in luck – if you install USB hubs throughout the house. The good news is that they’re inexpensive and you can still use 110V plugs at the same time. Here’s a few ideas to get you started. You can get them in surface mount, as well as built in models, to replace your present outlets (which is actually quite simple to do.) Click here for ideas:

Solar Exterior LED Lighting isn’t new, but it has become brighter and even more energy efficient. It’s no surprise that it’s becoming a must-have for homes today. While you can get good efficiency from plug-in LED lighting, the best efficiency is still “free.” Solar lighting is the key to lower utility bills. With the variety available, it’s easier than ever to make your home safer, as well as even more attractive. Click here for ideas:

Electronic locks make for a safe home. Key codes mean never having to put a spare key in the mailbox, or under a rock. Electronic home locks vary. Some use finger prints for access, whereas others use key codes. Still others use magnetic codes. These locks are not only stylish enough to go on just about any door, but they’ll keep you from ever being locked out again.  Click here for ideas:

Laundry Pedestals make your life easier. Newer washer and dryer sets are front load. This means you’re bending over more than ever to get at your laundry. Stop bending over; get a pedestal for your laundry set. While manufacturers do make pedestals to match your set, you can also build your own to accommodate your height, or working style. Click here for ideas:

This is one of our favorites. The fold-flat garage work bench serves dual purposes. While giving you the freedom to pursue your hobbies, it also gives you back the space you would normally lose to such a big garage addition. Like everything else we’ve discussed, it comes in so many versions, it’s hard to choose just the right one. That said, click here for ideas:

We’ll be posting other articles on upgrades for your home, soon. Be sure share the link and drop by again. You can visit us any time right here: Shaffer Realty LLC